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Maley shareholders, meetings & Voting Management

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Maley shareholders, meetings & Voting Management

Maley is a shareholders’, meetings and voting management system enabling which offers great convenience for management and shareholders;

Maley is a shareholders’, meetings and voting management system enabling which offers great convenience for management and shareholders; generates accurate data and automatic share certificates; provides real-time update and transparent process.

Maley shareholders', meetings and voting management system software plays a vital role in ensuring the effective functioning of organizational governance. By providing a platform for shareholders to participate in meetings and vote remotely, these tools help increase participation and engagement among investors, reducing the costs and logistical challenges associated with traditional paper-based voting methods. Moreover, the use of voting management system software helps ensure the integrity and transparency of the voting process, providing a secure and auditable platform that builds trust and credibility with shareholders. The software also enables organizations to efficiently manage and track shareholder votes, facilitating informed decision-making and contributing to the overall success of the company. Therefore, the adoption of maley shareholders', meetings and voting management system software is essential for organizations seeking to optimize their corporate governance practices and foster positive relationships with their investors.Maley shareholders', meetings and voting management system software with the Following features

Shareholders Information

⇒Register shareholders full profile
⇒contact information
⇒share subscription information,
⇒payment status
⇒required documents,

Share & Payment Management;

⇒Configure settings related with par value
⇒minimum share,
⇒service charge
⇒commission rate
⇒classes of shares
⇒category of shareholders

Meeting Management;

⇒Create meetings
⇒set agenda
⇒register meeting participants/attendees
⇒display real-time data or quorum